Club Information
Welcome to our Club!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m.
Hoss's Steak & Sea House
1180 Carlisle St
Hanover, PA 17331
United States of America
Meetings are First and Third Tuesdays
Due to the fact that The Markets on Broadway is changing their focus and purpose,  The Rotary Club of Hanover, at it's regular meeting on January 7, 2025, voted to change their regular meeting location.   The new meeing place will be as follows:

Location - Hoss's Steak and Sea House
                  1180 Carlisle St
                  Hanover, Pa 17331

Time:         11:45 am to 1:15 pm

 Dates:  Meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month

Process:       One can choose to go through the line and order and take it to the meeting room or, alternately, go directly to the meeting room and order off the menu via table service. Each member will pay for their own meal.

NOTE:  The Rotary Club wishes to thank The Markets on Broadway and Elizabeth Johnides and her staff for their hospitality during the years we spent at that location.  Thank you Liz and best wishes for your next business venture.

Article regarding finalization of 2 Club grants posted at the request of Peg Sennett


   For the 2023/24 Rotary year, Hanover Rotary supported a Club Grant to provide six park benches for the YWCA Early Learning Center Playground, part of the Borough of Hanover Wirt Park.  


 n  Pictured are Rotarians assembling the benches and kids enjoying both the new playground equipment and the benches. The benches are embossed with ‘Rotary Club of Hanover’.

In the current 2024/25 year, Hanover Rotary partnered with Main Street Hanover, sponsoring a grant to purchase equipment enhancing event registration and processing payments, along with a speaker system to be used for community and internal meetings, improving communication and inspiring support for Main Street Hanover. The equipment is labeled with Rotary stickers. 

 In support of Main Street Hanover, Rotarians helped decorate downtown Hanover for the Christmas season.





Peg Sennett has assembled, organized and secured safe storage for a number of items that depict the History of the Hanover Rotary Club.



Items are stored at the office of Past Club President Mark Riggs, HCM Wealth Advisory Group, 40 York St., Hanover, Pa.



Nine (9) volumes of Rotograms, 1936 – 1976

Rotary Golden 50th Anniversary, club history 1936 – 1955

Blue Book of club history 1936 – 2004

Original Charter, 1936

Historical documents: plaques, photos, articles, 50th Anniversary album.

Six (6) plaques listing names of 180 Rotary Club of Hanover Paul Harris Fellows

Two (2) plaques listing Club Presidents from 1936 – 2004



Three (3) cast metal Rotary Wheels

Large canopy

Banner stand

Two (2) banners

Movable display panels (attached banners can be trashed)

Insulated blankets

Rotary aprons, tote bags, insulated lunch bags, sun glasses. 

NOTE: This article is being shared at the request of Dr Jess Socrates as the latest update on Operation Braveheart in the Philippines.  Dr Jess has spearheaded this Rotary Project which has helped so many children experience a better life.  Thank you Jess for keeping us current on this tremendous project.

Operation Braveheart III continues to facilitate the repair of indigent patients' heart defects.  This is my EIGHTH report for Operation Braveheart III. I am sending with this email a collage of the eighth set of eight patients that Dr. Jonas repaired from March to April 2024. Five of the eight patients are children, three are adults. 6 PDA's and 2 ASD's.
The first patient, (Francis J.) was seen by Dr. Jonas in his recent trip to Marawi where he repaired 4 patients. The family had to raise funds for the trip to Manila.
The last patient on the collage (Baby Boy Balidog)  was born pre-term at 30 weeks age of gestation to a 30 year-old mother with preeclampsia and overt diabetes. The baby presented with respiratory distress at birth and was admitted to the NICU, to be managed as a case of Neonatal Pneumonia. 2D echocardiography showed a large hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus. His short existence so far has been spent in the hospital because of severe congestive heart failure. Thanks to all our supporters and ROTARY, this baby boy will now have a very good outlook for a long and healthy life.This is the smallest patient to have PDA catheter closure in the country - 1,090 grams He is the second Braveheart patient that Dr. Jonas implanted a Piccolo devise on. This is used specially to repair small infants with a large PDA. I sent a special report on the first patient last June 2023..
In addition to the most recent collage of patients, I am also attaching a photo and tribute to Dr. Jonas. The Philippine Society of Cardiac Catheterization and Intervention recently presented him with their:"Distinguished Service Award."  Operation Braveheart is blessed to have a dedicated and committed physician volunteer. Dr. Jonas is the reason why Operation Braveheart has so far facilitated the transcatheter repair of the hole-in-the-heart defects of 220 indigent patients who did not have the financial means to undergo repair. 
Operation Braveheart continues to accept donations so we can sustain this project even after Braveheart III funds get depleted. If you care to, please write out your donation check to: Works of Mercy and on the memo line, write "OPERATION BRAVEHEART." Mail your check to:
26 Emerald Lake Drive
Palm Coast, FL 32137
As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 220 patients.
Thank you very much for your continued support.

Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart


On Tuesday April 2nd,

Sharon Kebil-Whisler received her first Paul Harris Award for contributions to the RI Foundation.  Pictured below are:
Mark Riggs, President

Sharon Kebil-Whisler

Bob Miller, Rotary Foundation Chair

THANK YOU SHARON for your financial support of the Rotary Foundation!!


Rotary Club of Hanover recognizes those members who have achieved memorable years of service as a Hanover Rotarian. Rotarians are presented with a mantle clock as a continuous reminder of our commitment to the principles of Rotary: To be truthful and fair in our personal and business transactions, and to build goodwill and friendships that benefit everyone.

The following Rotarians were recognized for their years of membership:

Paul Berg – 5 years

Tammy Miller – 5 years

Karen Nelson – 5 years

Rebecca Prehoda – 5 years

Torren Ecker – 10 years

MaryBeth Hockenberry – 10 years

Chris Stock – 10 years

Tammy Gobrecht – 15 years

Mike Hockenberry – 15 years

Mark Riggs – 15 years

Brad Beaumont – 20 years

Elinor Rebert – 20 years

Ellen Brown – 25 years

Doug Becker – 40 years

John Gerken – 55 years



Jess Socrates has provided yet another update from the Philippines on Operation Braveheart.  You will recall that this project provides heart operations on children to improve their physical health and life.  Jess's report and pictures of the latest group of children who received this treatment are shown below.

                                       Hello Operation Braveheart supporters!!
Update intro for email1.jpg
Operation Braveheart III continues to facilitate the repair of indigent patients' heart defects.  This is my FOURTH report for Operation Braveheart III. I am sending with this email a collage of the fourth set of eight patients that Dr. Jonas repaired from April 2023 to July 2023. Five of the eight patients are children, three are adults. 5 PDA's, two VSD's and one ASD.
Operation Braveheart continues to accept donations so we can sustain this project even after Braveheart III funds get depleted. If you care to, please write out your donation check to: Works of Mercy and on the memo line, write "OPERATION BRAVEHEART." Mail your check to:
26 Emerald Lake Drive
Palm Coast, FL 32137
As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 186 patients.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart
Two highlights from our meeting on Tuesday May 2, 2023 at the Markets on Broadway were:

Our Speaker, Cindy Janczyk, Penn's Youth
And induction of a new member, Matt Leyes, Bartlett Tree Co.  Pictured are Kathi Fuhrman, President, Matt Leyes, Warren Risk, Sponsor

On Sunday April 29, Rotarians Kasey King and Warren Risk volunteered on behalf of Hanover Rotary to hand out water and gatorade at an aid station on the race course in Gettysburg.  Despite the pouring rain and chilly temps 1200 runners participated in the race in Gettysburg.  Runners chose from a variety of distances - 1 mi, 5mi, 10mi, half marathon, and marathon - to test their abilities.  We ended up soaken wet and cold but it was worth it.
On April 25th our club membership enjoyed a guided tour of the Hanover Historical Museum. Docent, Ken Weiler, was a wealth of information, generating both memories and many questions from the group. The museum professionally displays Hanover history and was too much to take in with just one visit. Everyone in attendance agreed that a return visit is necessary. If you missed this experience, or need to learn more after your first tour, visit the Museum located in the Carriage House behind the Warehime-Myers Mansion, 205 Baltimore St. Admission is free, donations are welcome. Hours: Wednesdays 10-3 and Saturdays 12-3.  

Hanover Rotarian, Ralph Jodice, taught the Junior Achievement our Nation program to Sherry Chroniger’s 5th grade class at St Teresa of Calcutta.  JA Our Nation consists of five lessons designed to teach students about the free market economy, entrepreneurship, careers, getting and keeping the job, and the global economy.

On Tuesday January 10 the Hanover Rotary Club Foundation Chair, Bob Miller, presented Paul Harris Awards to 3 members.  This was the first one for Brandon Gething and both Doug Becker and Ken Wenger are multiple award recipients. 

Pictured from left to right are President, Kathi Fuhrman, Brandon Gething, Doug Becker, Ken Wenger, and Foundation Chair, Bob Miller.


 Several Hanover Rotarians spent a day wrapping Christmas gifts for the residents of Hoffman Home. The Home, located in Littlestown, is a psychiatric residential treatment program for ages 7-21, offering treatment services and support to help residents successfully transition into the community. Hanover Rotary is sponsoring an updated security/fire alarm system with a $5,000 District Club Grant to be installed in January. The following Rotarians enjoyed wrapping gifts for the residents: Ralph and Judy Jodice, Kathi Fuhrman, Kasey King, Shanna Hollich, Kelly Rebert and Peg Sennett.



At our regular meeting on Tuesday the following Rotarians were recognized for their years of service to our Club.  Peg Sennett shares the following information:


Since 2001, Hanover Rotary has been awarding anniversary clocks to its members. After five years a member receives a mantle clock displaying a plaque recognizing years of Rotary service. The plaque is updated every five years. At our Dec. 6th meeting, the following Rotarians were recognized:

Clocks were awarded to the following Rotarians for five years of membership:

  • Laura Becker
  • Deena Brant
  • Dale Brubaker
  • David Erlemeler
  • Christopher Helt
  • Rhonda Ramos

Several members received updated plaques for ten years of membership:

  • Cindy Fremont
  • Sharon Kebil-Whisler
  • Scott Kurz
  • Justine Tucksess

Additonal recognitions:

  • Kim Hacket, 15 years
  • Gary Laird, 20 years
  • Ken Wenger, 25 years
  • Wendell Mulder, 25 years
  • Terry Gingrow, 30 years
  • Warren Miller, 45 years
  • Bert Elsner received a standing ovation for his 50 years as a Hanover Rotarian.


These 17 Rotarians have given a total of 280 years of time and talent to the Hanover community and to the world at large. 

Top   L to R    Warren Miller, Wendell Mulder, Ken Wenger, Terry Gingrow                                           Lower                 L to R Justine Trucksess,  Sharon Kebil-Whisler

Top    L to R Barb Rupp, Peg Sennett                                                                  Lower     L  to R    Dale Brubaker, Barb Rupp, Peg Sennett


L to R Chris Helt, Dale Brubaker, Kim Hackett
The Hanover Rotary Club has stepped up to assist the Hanover Little Theatre by volunteering to park cars at their performances.  Two of the volunteers are pictured below:

Kathi Fuhrman and Rick McKee
Home Page Stories
Due to the fact that The Markets on Broadway is changing their focus and purpose,  The Rotary Club of Hanover, at it's regular meeting on January 7, 2025, voted to change their regular meeting location.   The new meeing place will be as follows:

Location - Hoss's Steak and Sea House
                  1180 Carlisle St
                  Hanover, Pa 17331

Time:         11:45 am to 1:15 pm

 Dates:  Meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month

Process:       One can choose to go through the line and order and take it to the meeting room or, alternately, go directly to the meeting room and order off the menu via table service. Each member will pay for their own meal.

NOTE:  The Rotary Club wishes to thank The Markets on Broadway and Elizabeth Johnides and her staff for their hospitality during the years we spent at that location.  Thank you Liz and best wishes for your next business venture.

Article regarding finalization of 2 Club grants posted at the request of Peg Sennett


   For the 2023/24 Rotary year, Hanover Rotary supported a Club Grant to provide six park benches for the YWCA Early Learning Center Playground, part of the Borough of Hanover Wirt Park.  


 n  Pictured are Rotarians assembling the benches and kids enjoying both the new playground equipment and the benches. The benches are embossed with ‘Rotary Club of Hanover’.

In the current 2024/25 year, Hanover Rotary partnered with Main Street Hanover, sponsoring a grant to purchase equipment enhancing event registration and processing payments, along with a speaker system to be used for community and internal meetings, improving communication and inspiring support for Main Street Hanover. The equipment is labeled with Rotary stickers. 

 In support of Main Street Hanover, Rotarians helped decorate downtown Hanover for the Christmas season.





Peg Sennett has assembled, organized and secured safe storage for a number of items that depict the History of the Hanover Rotary Club.



Items are stored at the office of Past Club President Mark Riggs, HCM Wealth Advisory Group, 40 York St., Hanover, Pa.



Nine (9) volumes of Rotograms, 1936 – 1976

Rotary Golden 50th Anniversary, club history 1936 – 1955

Blue Book of club history 1936 – 2004

Original Charter, 1936

Historical documents: plaques, photos, articles, 50th Anniversary album.

Six (6) plaques listing names of 180 Rotary Club of Hanover Paul Harris Fellows

Two (2) plaques listing Club Presidents from 1936 – 2004



Three (3) cast metal Rotary Wheels

Large canopy

Banner stand

Two (2) banners

Movable display panels (attached banners can be trashed)

Insulated blankets

Rotary aprons, tote bags, insulated lunch bags, sun glasses. 

NOTE: This article is being shared at the request of Dr Jess Socrates as the latest update on Operation Braveheart in the Philippines.  Dr Jess has spearheaded this Rotary Project which has helped so many children experience a better life.  Thank you Jess for keeping us current on this tremendous project.

Operation Braveheart III continues to facilitate the repair of indigent patients' heart defects.  This is my EIGHTH report for Operation Braveheart III. I am sending with this email a collage of the eighth set of eight patients that Dr. Jonas repaired from March to April 2024. Five of the eight patients are children, three are adults. 6 PDA's and 2 ASD's.
The first patient, (Francis J.) was seen by Dr. Jonas in his recent trip to Marawi where he repaired 4 patients. The family had to raise funds for the trip to Manila.
The last patient on the collage (Baby Boy Balidog)  was born pre-term at 30 weeks age of gestation to a 30 year-old mother with preeclampsia and overt diabetes. The baby presented with respiratory distress at birth and was admitted to the NICU, to be managed as a case of Neonatal Pneumonia. 2D echocardiography showed a large hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus. His short existence so far has been spent in the hospital because of severe congestive heart failure. Thanks to all our supporters and ROTARY, this baby boy will now have a very good outlook for a long and healthy life.This is the smallest patient to have PDA catheter closure in the country - 1,090 grams He is the second Braveheart patient that Dr. Jonas implanted a Piccolo devise on. This is used specially to repair small infants with a large PDA. I sent a special report on the first patient last June 2023..
In addition to the most recent collage of patients, I am also attaching a photo and tribute to Dr. Jonas. The Philippine Society of Cardiac Catheterization and Intervention recently presented him with their:"Distinguished Service Award."  Operation Braveheart is blessed to have a dedicated and committed physician volunteer. Dr. Jonas is the reason why Operation Braveheart has so far facilitated the transcatheter repair of the hole-in-the-heart defects of 220 indigent patients who did not have the financial means to undergo repair. 
Operation Braveheart continues to accept donations so we can sustain this project even after Braveheart III funds get depleted. If you care to, please write out your donation check to: Works of Mercy and on the memo line, write "OPERATION BRAVEHEART." Mail your check to:
26 Emerald Lake Drive
Palm Coast, FL 32137
As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 220 patients.
Thank you very much for your continued support.

Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart


On Tuesday April 2nd,

Sharon Kebil-Whisler received her first Paul Harris Award for contributions to the RI Foundation.  Pictured below are:
Mark Riggs, President

Sharon Kebil-Whisler

Bob Miller, Rotary Foundation Chair

THANK YOU SHARON for your financial support of the Rotary Foundation!!


Rotary Club of Hanover recognizes those members who have achieved memorable years of service as a Hanover Rotarian. Rotarians are presented with a mantle clock as a continuous reminder of our commitment to the principles of Rotary: To be truthful and fair in our personal and business transactions, and to build goodwill and friendships that benefit everyone.

The following Rotarians were recognized for their years of membership:

Paul Berg – 5 years

Tammy Miller – 5 years

Karen Nelson – 5 years

Rebecca Prehoda – 5 years

Torren Ecker – 10 years

MaryBeth Hockenberry – 10 years

Chris Stock – 10 years

Tammy Gobrecht – 15 years

Mike Hockenberry – 15 years

Mark Riggs – 15 years

Brad Beaumont – 20 years

Elinor Rebert – 20 years

Ellen Brown – 25 years

Doug Becker – 40 years

John Gerken – 55 years



Attached is an update from Jess Socrates on Operation Braveheart.  This is an unprecedented 3rd round of this project via Rotary International.   
Sharing the most current update on Operation Braveheart. Please share with our Club.
                                  A Blessed Easter  season to everyone!!
Update intro for email1.jpg
Operation Braveheart III continues to facilitate the repair of indigent patients' heart defects.  This is my THIRD report for Operation Braveheart III. I am sending with this email a collage of the third set of eight patients that Dr. Jonas repaired from December 2022 to March 2023. Seven of the eight patients are children, one is an adult. 5 PDA's, two ASD's and one VSD.
Operation Braveheart continues to accept donations so we can sustain this project even after Braveheart III funds get depleted. If you care to, please write out your donation check to: Works of Mercy and on the memo line, write "OPERATION BRAVEHEART." Mail your check to:
26 Emerald Lake Drive
Palm Coast, FL 32137

As of today, Operation Braveheart has facilitated the transcatheter repair of 181 patients.
Note: This is an adjusted number after review of records.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Jess Socrates, M.D., Coordinator Operation Braveheart
Former member of the Hanover Rotary Club and coordinator and driver behind Operation Braveheart contacted us recently to provide a brief update on phase 3 of the program.  That update is provided below.

Oh yes. Braveheart will continue even after Rotary. That's my personal commitment to the project - for life.
For this third grant, we have repaired 23 children. We expect to repair at least 100. So, we have more to go.

Jess's email is

Hanover Rotarian, Ralph Jodice, taught the Junior Achievement our Nation program to Sherry Chroniger’s 5th grade class at St Teresa of Calcutta.  JA Our Nation consists of five lessons designed to teach students about the free market economy, entrepreneurship, careers, getting and keeping the job, and the global economy.

On Tuesday January 3, 2023 the Hanover Rotary Club welcomed a new member.  Her name is Kyla Bull.  Kyla's sponsor is Heidi Wrights.  Pictured below from left to right are Kathi Fuhrman, Club President; Kyla Bull, new member; Heidi Wrights.  
Students from Southwestern High School music program performed for the Hanover Rotary Club at our meeting on Tuesday Dec 20,  They used brass instruments, woodwinds, and their terrific voices to entertain us with popular and familiar Holiday music.  They did a wonderful job getting us into the Christmas spirit.  Many thanks to the Southwestern School District music department for coming to celebrate with us.  Here are some pictures of the performers.


 Several Hanover Rotarians spent a day wrapping Christmas gifts for the residents of Hoffman Home. The Home, located in Littlestown, is a psychiatric residential treatment program for ages 7-21, offering treatment services and support to help residents successfully transition into the community. Hanover Rotary is sponsoring an updated security/fire alarm system with a $5,000 District Club Grant to be installed in January. The following Rotarians enjoyed wrapping gifts for the residents: Ralph and Judy Jodice, Kathi Fuhrman, Kasey King, Shanna Hollich, Kelly Rebert and Peg Sennett.



At our regular meeting on Tuesday the following Rotarians were recognized for their years of service to our Club.  Peg Sennett shares the following information:


Since 2001, Hanover Rotary has been awarding anniversary clocks to its members. After five years a member receives a mantle clock displaying a plaque recognizing years of Rotary service. The plaque is updated every five years. At our Dec. 6th meeting, the following Rotarians were recognized:

Clocks were awarded to the following Rotarians for five years of membership:

  • Laura Becker
  • Deena Brant
  • Dale Brubaker
  • David Erlemeler
  • Christopher Helt
  • Rhonda Ramos

Several members received updated plaques for ten years of membership:

  • Cindy Fremont
  • Sharon Kebil-Whisler
  • Scott Kurz
  • Justine Tucksess

Additonal recognitions:

  • Kim Hacket, 15 years
  • Gary Laird, 20 years
  • Ken Wenger, 25 years
  • Wendell Mulder, 25 years
  • Terry Gingrow, 30 years
  • Warren Miller, 45 years
  • Bert Elsner received a standing ovation for his 50 years as a Hanover Rotarian.


These 17 Rotarians have given a total of 280 years of time and talent to the Hanover community and to the world at large. 

Top   L to R    Warren Miller, Wendell Mulder, Ken Wenger, Terry Gingrow                                           Lower                 L to R Justine Trucksess,  Sharon Kebil-Whisler

Top    L to R Barb Rupp, Peg Sennett                                                                  Lower     L  to R    Dale Brubaker, Barb Rupp, Peg Sennett


L to R Chris Helt, Dale Brubaker, Kim Hackett
The Rotary Club of Hanover supported Jessica and Friends Rock On fundraiser. Hanover Rotary members rocked in rocking chairs at the Markets of Hanover while patrons passed by and made donations. $356 was raised in the donations bucket.  Jessica and Friends provide faith based services and support for adults with autism and intellectual disabilities and their families. They seek to be a community which affirms the worth of all people, supports personal growth and wholeness, advocates for community and church inclusion, and provides opportunities for spiritual growth and service. 

Pictured here are Peg Sennett, Ellie Rebert, and Ralph Jodice.
Good morning.
The Your Life, Your Wishes Committee – promoting The Gift of Conversation is having a Virtual Death Café on Thursday, October 20, 2022.  We would like to invite you to this friendly conversation to increase awareness about death and to make the most of your life.  Please contact Tammy Gobrecht for more information and hope to see you virtually on October 20.
Best regards,
Tammy Gobrecht
Hospice & Community Care
235 St Charles Way, Suite 250
York, PA 17402
Referrals:  1-844-422-4031
Mobile: (717) 844-3957
York Office Phone: (717) 793-2113
York Office Fax: (717) 885-0813
New Picture (3)

The Hanover Rotary Club is hosting one upcoming event:

Casino Night - Friday November 18, 2022 at The Markets on Broadway Featuring live music by The Willys  and  Benefiting the Hanover Rotary Community Impact Fund  
The Hanover Rotary Club is happy to announce that a new member was inducted into the Club at today's regular meeting.  Heidi Wrights is now a member of the Club.  Heidi is the Bank Manager at Traditions Bank on Eisenhower Dr.  Mike Kelly is her sponsor.  
Welcome Heidi to the Club and we look forward to working with you in Rotary service to the community.
Pictured below from left to right are Kathi Fuhrman, President; Mike Kelly, Sponsor;  Heidi Wrights, new member.
Several Rotarians volunteered for a gardening project at the You First Personal Care Home on Frederick St on Friday May 27, 2023.  Rotarians included were chief arborists, agricultural experts, landscaping masters, lawn gurus Brandon Gething and Chris Helt, and Walt Maust, and Kathi Fuhrman and her son.  
Chris Helt shared the following information regarding the Club's effort to decorate the Gazebo at Wirt Park:
I attached a pic from this past Saturday @ Wirt Park. We had 9 helpers, we were able to complete the project in about 2 hours.
        Pictured above from left to right: Barb Rupp, Elinor Stough, Rick McKee, Rhonda Ramos, Kasey King, Chris Helt and son and Bob Miller.  Not pictured are Terry Gingrow and Jessica Waltersdorf.
Jess Socrates shared this article about the volunteer Doctor who performed the Braveheart Operations.  
I wish to share a recent article on our Operation Braveheart volunteer, Dr. Jonas del Rosario. The article has nothing to do with Operation Braveheart. It reveals to the reader the very personal side of Dr. del Rosario. We are fortunate to have him as our volunteer.
The District 7390 virtual Foundation Dinner in November announced a program called 72+ which makes suggestions to everyone about tax savings opportunities for charitable giving provided by the government’s SECURE Act and CARES Act. The 72+ program urges senior Rotarians to give strong consideration to making a contribution to The Rotary Foundation from their IRA. This especially applies when one reaches age 70.5 to make a Qualified Charitable Contribution (QCD) or when one must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) upon and after age 72 (hence the program name 72+). There are significant tax savings provided by the SECURE and CARES Acts.
Several Rotarians recently packed meals for area students to support Ruth's Harvest Program.
Hanover Rotarians Dave Erlemeier, Warren Risk (and his wife Judy), and Ralph Jodice (and his wife Judy) packed food bags for Ruth’s Harvest as part of the Club’s ongoing community service project.  On Friday’s, Ruth’s Harvest gives needy children in the local area 7 meals to take home for the weekend to help to ensure they do not go hungry.
Jess Shared the following story and pictures regarding the Street Children's Village in the Philippines.  
As a review, the two-fold plan is as follows: 
- Build a piggery where we will raise native pigs. The meat will be more than enough to supply the continuous demand for pork. The excess will be sold to pay for other food items (fish, chicken, veggies, fruit, etc.)
- Cultivate the fertile land in the 11 hectare property for rice production. Part of the grant fund will be used to purchase a hand truck.
We have at last started the construction of the piggery. There was plenty of delay on account of Covid and weather but we have finally started. The attached pictures were submitted in a comprehensive initial report that was put together by one of the street children who is now 18 years old and who will soon complete his course in landscape architecture. The project also benefits some local construction workers who were hired instead of paying a contractor to do the job.
Pictured below are 7 erect columns for the construction.  For more Pictures visit the Photo Gallery on our website - Street Children's Village Project
The following email from Kim Hackett provides an update on our upcoming Inbound and Outbound Youth Exchange Programs and our current Exchange Student to Austria, Erin Dewald:
Good afternoon.  You will not be surprised that I received an email regarding the Inbound and Outbound Youth Exchange programs. Due to the COVID pandemic and possible interruptions of future outbreaks, the program is cancelled for this school year.  Our student, Gustav, was notified as well as the other 3 students for 7390.  Needless to say this is a sad announcement but the decision was not made lightly.  Thank you for your support of this program and hopefully this can be reviewed again for the next school year.
Erin DeWald remains in Austria and is actually one of the few students from our District still in her exchange. 
Thank you,
The following update on Operation Braveheart is provided by Jess Socrates:
Latest update on Operation Braveheart that I sent to our supporters.
Dr, Jonas del Rosario, has performed the last PDA repair from our Braveheart II funds. We have spent the entire $124,000 grant resulting in the repair of 104 patients. The faces of the last 8 patients (97-104) are on the attached collage.
We have repaired a grand total of 145 patients.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for everyone's support. 
As soon as we pay all the bills and zero our bank balance, we will submit a final report to the Rotary Foundation. We will then attempt to apply for another grant. As in the two previous grants, we will need "seed money" that will be matched by Rotary. The more "seed money" we have, the larger the Rotary match and more patients will be repaired.
One major news to share with everyone is the upcoming visit of Dr. Jonas del Rosario, our volunteer pediatric interventional cardiologist. He will be the guest speaker at the joint APPM-UPMASA (Association of Philippine Physicians in Maryland; UP Medical Alumni Society in America) Conference to be held on March 21 in Baltimore. He will also be a guest of the Rotary Club of Hanover the following Tuesday.
Respectfully, Jess Socrates, Coordinator, Operation Braveheart
Upcoming Speakers
Natalee Gunderson
Feb 18, 2025
York County Community Foundation
No Meeting
Feb 25, 2025
No Meeting
Martha King - Owner of 5 Pillars Health Coaching
Mar 04, 2025
A New Breath - Could one conversation gift you with a new breath of life?
No Meeting
Mar 11, 2025
No Meeting
Mar 18, 2025
No Meeting
Mar 25, 2025
No Meeting
Apr 01, 2025
No Meeting
Apr 08, 2025
No Meeting
Apr 15, 2025
No Meeting
Apr 22, 2025
No Meeting
Greeter, Pledge & Prayer Responsibilities
Rotary Pledge & Prayer Responsibilities
DATE          NAME
7/5 Christy Lucas
7/12 Paul Berg
7/19 Jessica Waltersdorff
7/26 Tammy Gobrecht
8/2 Brandon Gething
8/9 Dale Brubaker
8/16 Sharon Kebil-Whisler
8/23 Karen Nelson
8/30 Bob Miller
Interact News

The Hanover Rotary Club is pleased to support Interact Clubs in two area High Schools - Delone Catholic and Spring Grove.  This section is intended to highlight news & activities reported to us from those Clubs


     Sept 2021

  1. We will be holding our first meeting tomorrow 9/1/21; club sign-ups will occur at this time and we are aiming for at least 70 members!
  2. The students decided to donate much needed items to Afghan Refugees coordinated through Garrison's Chapel Office and Chapel Communities at the Carlisle Barracks.
  3. The fall Adopt-a-Highway will be on September 25; I registered our cleanup this year to be part of's Great Global Cleanup day!
  4. Students will be planting tulip bulbs in the Interact garden on campus this fall as part of Journey North's Test Garden, which helps "to monitor seasonal change in a scientific way. Next spring, when plants emerge and bloom, gardeners will report their observations and data."
  5. The club will be spearheading a canned food drive initiative during Catholic Schools week in January, with donations going to the Roots for Boots pantry and the Council of Churches. The deanery schools, along with DCHS, will be invited to collect canned goods and create sculptures with them. We will then send out a ballot to all participating schools/parents to vote for their favorite! 
  6. The club will also be sending Thanksgiving cards and crafts to local nursing homes!
They will also be doing Toys for Tots. 
Representatives of the Spring Grove Interact Club made a presentation to our Club on Tuesday March 12, 2019.  They are a newly formed Club in the High School and they have done an outstanding job 1)in pairing their mission to Rotary Missions, 2)organizing themselves, 3) integrating technology into their Club, 4)creative fundraising efforts, 5) worthwhile service projects in the community and the world.  They are off to a fantastic start!
You can follow them on: TWITTER -   sg_interact                                   INSTAGRAM -
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